Sarabham is an upcoming film under CV Kumar's banner of Thirukumaran Entertainment. The film stars Naveen Chandra and Salony Luthra in the lead with an experience support cast. The film is written and directed by Arun Mohan with music by Britto Michael.

Bodhayil Pathal Marum
Singers: Anthony Dasan, Britto Michael
Lyrics: Kurinchi Prabha

The album begins with a distinct flavor of fusion between Carnatic music, folk and modern orchestration. The electronic effects in the first interlude create an unsettling atmosphere. The second interlude has a dash of fusion with distorted guitar and sitar sections.

Singers: Usha Uthup
Lyrics: Kurinchi Prabha

The eerie ambience continues with a solo track sung by the diva Usha Uthup. Electric guitars along with the growing string section joins hands with the punchy rhythm of the drum track. Known best for her racy songs and disco grooves Usha Uthup is drawn towards the dark side on this song.

Pudhidhai Oru Iravu
Singers: Andrea Jeremiah, Britto Michael
Lyrics: GKB

A brighter song appears in the form of this composition that’s richer in melody compared to the other songs on the album. Andrea Jeremiah gives a stylish rendition supported well by Britto Michael. Britto throws up interesting electronic grooves but its clarity seems to be lost in the mix.

Verdict: Dark and swirling mix of slightly overworked songs.

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